About Us

Andrew & Amanda's Vision

From an acorn an Oaktree grew…
On 1st May 2012, Andrew and Amanda, who have a son with Autism opened the doors of Oaktree Farm Care. Along with staff they strived to provide a safe and welcoming environment for people with Learning Disabilities and Autism. Their vision was for each and every customer to grow in confidence, develop life and work place skills in a progressive setting, whilst feeling empowered to have a voice in their person centred support.
The 33 acre site offers a calming social environment for each individual to learn many life skills. Alongside this OFC offers unique opportunities and a different way of progressing in a holistic manner by empowering them to have a choice.
Life skills are a vital tool in our “Dashboard Skills Program", encompassing the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme. In 2023 our first customers obtained their Gold Award and attended Buckingham Palace to receive it.
OFC encompasses exercise and well-being in its ethos. Sport sessions are tailored to meeting each individual’s needs with our new onsite outdoor gym equipment.
Andrew and Amanda look forward to showing you around Oaktree Farm Care.

Situated In 33 Acres Of Land

Situated in rural Horsham, Oaktree Farm Care is nestled within 33 acres of land, which is extremely beneficial for our customers.

The vast expanse of land not only provides a calming and tranquil environment, but also allows for a variety of activities and services to be offered to the customers. The ample space allows for various outdoor activities, such as nature walks and gardening, which can have numerous benefits for the customers.

Additionally, the large land area also allows for the accommodation of various facilities, such as our newly installed outdoor gym equipment, which provides the customers with opportunities to improve their physical health.

Overall, the spacious and peaceful surroundings at Oaktree Farm Care contribute to a comfortable and calming experience, ensuring that our customers have the best possible experience.